How frequently you should change your oil is determined by a variety of factors, including the kind of motor oil you use, the vehicle you drive, your driving style, and more. For the most part, oil change intervals of 3,000 miles and 5,000 miles have been widely accepted as the norm. Time and use take their toll on motor oil. When it breaks down, it loses its ability to safeguard your engine and can no longer perform its job.
The superior performance of synthetic motor oils means that longer intervals between oil changes are often recommended for these types of lubricants. Aside from driving conditions and overall mechanical state of the engine, there are a number of additional variables that might impact oil change frequency. Owner’s handbook recommendations for motor oil and oil change intervals should be followed while the vehicle is under warranty.

There are a variety of reasons why your vehicle’s oil warning light may be on. These include low or low oil levels, a malfunctioning oil pump, a broken oil-pressure sensor, a clogged oil system and more. You should turn off your engine as soon as it is safe to do so in all situations. If you continue to run your engine with low oil pressure, you run the risk of doing significant damage to your engine.
The Smart service station is the best place to go for a full-service oil change. Our tyre and car repair experts are the best in the business when it comes to oil change services. Every day, we replace more than 19,000 gallons of oil around the country. At smart service station, you can get a full-service oil change and see the difference.